Thursday, February 17, 2011

My First Movie Review

1. Clint Eastwood was very believable as the lead
2. Good original story
3. blends serious drama with comedy very well
4. good variety of characters
5. good unconventional ending
6. good portrayal of different cultures
7. cinematography was very well done
8. good sound
9. good editing
10. nice soundtrack
11. good chemistry between the leads
12. very quotable
13. exciting
14. rewatchable
15. good overall resolution

Review of Gran Torino
When I was watching Gran Torino I found the lead character portrayed by Clint Eastwood to be very believable,  he really fit the role as an old man upset with the changing world he is living in and how different things seem from the past. Thao and Walt showed real chemistry in the lead roles as Walt takes up the task of making Thao his apprentice. Not once did I stop and think that they were acting because they really embodied their roles. I also found the dialogue in general to be very quotable and funny in many cases. The way the film was able to mix serious drama with witty humor was very well done and I feel like that is what really sets Gran Torino apart from other films. The cinematography and editing made for a very intense movie. The way the camera shakes around during the fight scenes as blows are exchanged made the fighting seem very realistic and never gave off that staged feeling. The overall resolution to the story was very original and wrapped up all of the loose ends very well. I found the way Walt sacrifices for the betterment of the neighborhood to be very touching. This film really stands out due to the great actor portrayals and dialogue.

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